Theorizing about Standardization: Integrating Fragments of Process Theory in Light of Telecommunication Standardization Wars
Vladislav Fomin, Thomas Keil, and Kalle Lyytinen
(Original Publish Date: 1/2/2003)
(Original Publish Date: 1/2/2003)
Standards play an important role within information and communication technology as it becomes networked and complex. No single model has yet been developed to address how successful standards emerge. We propose a dynamic process model of standardization that integrates separate lines of inquiry to standardization activities including Simon's theory of artifact design (D), Weick's concept of sense-making (S) and Latour's concept of negotiation in socio-technical networks (N), and organizes them into a hierarchically organized web of standardization events. We investigate three standardization processes in the telecommunication industry with the D-S-N model to explain the progression of these standardization processes.