ABSTRACT: Standards, Innovation, and Latecomer Economic Development – A Conceptual Framework
Dieter Ernst
(Original Publish Date: 9/1/2013)
(Original Publish Date: 9/1/2013)
Little is known about the impact of standards on the economic development of countries which are latecomers to industrial manufacturing and innovation. Standardization is regarded primarily as a technical issue, and hence receives only limited high-level policy support. However, technical standards contribute at least as much as patents to economic growth. As a key mechanism for the diffusion of technological knowledge, technical standards contribute to productivity growth. Equally important are qualitative impacts for instance of environmental, health, food and work safety standards. A well-functioning standardization system and strategy can work as a catalyst for translating new ideas, inventions and discoveries into productivity-enhancing innovation. Standards thus are the missing link in a growth strategy which seeks to create quality jobs in higher-value added advanced manufacturing and services.