A Study of IPR Policies and Practices of a Representative Group of Standards Setting Organizations Worldwide
Rudi Bekkers, School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Dialogic innovatie & interactie, Netherlands, and Andrew Updegrove, Partner, Gesmer Updegrove LLP
(Original Publish Date: 9/17/2012)
(Original Publish Date: 9/17/2012)
The importance of addressing IPR in standards properly continues to become a matter of greater concern for all classes of stakeholders. To the good, awareness of deficiencies in IPR policies is rising as well among SSO members, regulators and even among some consumers. While this increase in awareness and commitment is resulting in improvements to many IPR policies, certain weaknesses are likely to remain unless external forces are brought to bear, due to the burdens of effecting some otherwise obvious improvements in process and the disproportionate representation of some types of stakeholders over others in IPR policy development.