Promoted IP based wireless systems for 3G mobile communications technology *Inactive
Promoted IP based wireless systems for 3G mobile communications technology *Inactive
Develops global specifications for the evolution of the ANSI/TIA/EIA-41 Cellular Radiotelecommunication Intersystem Operations network to 3G.
Promotes the Thread protocol to connect home consumer electronics.
Develops and promotes the industry role of Tizen and its mobile market presence *Now hosted by the Linux Foundation
Promotes business effectiveness for service providers and their suppliers.
Develops, maintains, and promotes TransferJet technologies.
Develops a standard real-time operating system ( RTOS ) kernel that can be tailored to any embedded system in industries ranging from consumer products to industrial products.
Develops trust benchmark circuits, tools and hardware platforms.
Promotes development of open-source software to improve data security and privacy.
Promoted education, research and certification of Secure and Interoperable Identity in the Cloud *Now the Enterprise Architecture Working Group