Promoted the Open Dots specification for wire-free power technology for consumer electronics devices.
Promoted the Open Dots specification for wire-free power technology for consumer electronics devices.
Established specifications and standards for electronic publishing *Now the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
Promotes maintenance of network functionality that offers connected compute and storage resources from nearby access points and other edge nodes
Develops geo information systems standards.
Promotes and develops the re-architecture of the Internet into a global, shared platform that distributes computing, data, and intelligence to when and where it is needed.
Promotes global standardization of grid computing.
Develops and promotes standards to increase business efficiency through information technology and interoperability, and operates certification programs standards and software, including the UNIX system
Develops and promotes the IT4IT Reference Architecture for managing the business of IT.
Develops and promotes open identity technologies.
Develops open source IDS/IPS to build a next generation IDS/IPS engine.