Develops universal card payment standards, protocols and implementation specifications.
Develops universal card payment standards, protocols and implementation specifications.
Promotes North American mobile technology leadership including the 5G evolutionary path, 6G early development, creation of a Next G development roadmap, and development of a set of national priorities
Maintains a managed delivery program for mobile broadband services and develops services for the 5G ecosystem.
Promotes and develops content protection technology for flash memory cards such as SD Cards and storage devices.
Developed and promoted the semiconductor, developmental tools and automotive electronics industries.
Promoted standard process parameters, test stamps, and qualified hardware solutions for high volume manufacturing and application development.
Promotes the adoption of the Node JavaScript runtime for building scalable network applications.
Develops standards and security protocols for providers of security documents, labels, cards, packaging, materials and technology.
Develops and enforces reliability standards for the bulk power system in North America (North America).
Maintains a scalable host controller interface to provide access to storage devices.