Develops enterprise integration standards (including modeling standards such as UML and MDA) for a range of technologies and industries.
Develops enterprise integration standards (including modeling standards such as UML and MDA) for a range of technologies and industries.
Developed open source middleware *Merged with Orientware in 2005 to form OW2 Consortium
Develops the APB-1, an on-line analytical processing benchmark.
Develops and promotes specifications to ensure the global functionality of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications systems.
Promotes interoperability in automation.
Promotes the enablement of cloud computing through open source software development
Promotes best practices and standards for application integration.
Promoted the definition and standardization of requirements for next generation long term data centers and cloud infrastructure, reformed as the Open Alliance for Cloud Adoption (OACA).
Develops and promotes the Teigha software platform.
Develops geo information systems standards.