Develops open API's and promotes interoperability, security, and privacy for agricultural data.
Develops open API's and promotes interoperability, security, and privacy for agricultural data.
Develops open and interoperable AR Cloud technology, data, standards, guidelines, and tools to support an open and interoperable Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP)
Created the OpenCard Framework *Inactive
Maintains cloud computing infrastructure to support scientific research.
Promotes the development of a standard specification and interoperable, open-source projects to ensure secure and reliable device discovery and connectivity.
Develops and promotes sets of common code, patterns, and practices so that cybersecurity tools can share data
Develops open source IDS/IPS to build a next generation IDS/IPS engine.
Develops Web3 metaverse platforms to ensure virtual land, digital assets, ideas, and services are interoperable between platforms
Develop the Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMIG) as a resource for anyone who want to build interoperable technology
Develops and maintains specifications designed to enhance mobile communications industry interoperability and collects related market requirements.