Develops, tests, licenses and distributes cross-platform, open-source software for high-performance, low-latency computing.
Develops, tests, licenses and distributes cross-platform, open-source software for high-performance, low-latency computing.
Developed, tested, licensed and distributed cross-platform, open-source software for high-performance, low-latency computing *Now OpenFabrics Alliance
Promotes the use of OpenID technology.
Develops open source software for securing identity-based Web services based on Liberty Federation and Liberty Web Services standards.
Promotes the development, use, management and maintenance of the Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI).
Promoted the compatibility and interoperability of Natural Interaction (NI) devices, applications and middleware.
Develops and promotes open industry standards for the RTB marketplace.
Develops and promotes advanced metering infrastructures and demand response solutions.
Promotes the development and deployment of interoperable products and services for data switching and routing using optical networking technologies.
Develops and supports the machine automation and operational needs of manufacturing.