Developed standards for mobile commerce using payment card accounts *Inactive
Developed standards for mobile commerce using payment card accounts *Inactive
Develops and promotes standards for mobile printing.
Develops, promotes and maintains electronic commerce standards for the mortgage industry.
Promoted the MPEG-4 standard *Merged with the Open IPTV Forum in 2012
Promoted the deployment of multi-vendor, multi-service label switching networks and associated applications *Now the Broadband Forum
Developed specifications based on ultrawideband-based technology *Merged with WiMedia Alliance in 2005
Develops multifamily housing industry data standards.
Promotes distribution of digital video and entertainment through existing coaxial cable in the home.
Developed and promoted open-architecture, multi-service switching systems *Dissolved 2013
Develops and promotes software standard that facilitates interoperability of business and automation applications used in electric utilities.