Develops and maintains a standard for reporting data in the resort industry.
Develops and maintains a standard for reporting data in the resort industry.
Developed specifications based on ultrawideband-based technology *Merged with WiMedia Alliance in 2005
Develops multifamily housing industry data standards.
Promotes distribution of digital video and entertainment through existing coaxial cable in the home.
Develops requirements for Multimedia-Grade networks.
Developed open industry standards for MultiMediaCards *Dissolved and transferred its specifications and other assets to the JEDEC Solid State Technology Association
Develops and promotes software standard that facilitates interoperability of business and automation applications used in electric utilities.
Promotes the MULTOS specification in the smartcard industry.
Promotes smart and fast direct deposits and direct payments with the capability to reach all U.S. bank and credit union accounts.
Promotes the interests of state public service commissions who regulate the utilities that provide essential services (U.S.).