Promotes the Ethereum supporting blockchain to define enterprise-grade software capable of handling applications
Promotes the Ethereum supporting blockchain to define enterprise-grade software capable of handling applications
Developed and promoted the European banking and credit sector (Europe) *Dissolved in 2006 and transferred its functions to the European Payments Council (EPC)
Develops and promotes the FDX API, a standard for secure sharing of financial data by consumers and business
Develops an open protocol for real-time communication between participants in the Equity markets
Promoted the US financial system through advocacy and forums (U.S.).
Promoted open-standard technologies in the financial services industry *Merged with Financial Services Roundtable in 2009
Develops and promotes open source software development and common standards for the financial services industry
Promotes adoption of blockchain technology by convening regulators, business leaders, and global changemakers to foster collaboration and advance dialogue to create more secure, equitable, and functional societies
Promotes blockchain technology by identifying and addressing features for a cross-industry open standard for distributed ledgers.
Promotes a password management tool, SignOn Once, for the insurance industry