Develops and promotes the construction and operation of a space elevator.
Develops and promotes the construction and operation of a space elevator.
Develops and applies software systems to address issues in the best-practice management, analysis, and use of materials information in enterprises in the aerospace, defense, and energy sectors.
Promoted XML as the optimal electronic messaging structure for airline system connectivity worldwide.
Develops and promotes modeling data exchange standards.
Promotes the certification of aerospace auditors and training providers.
Develops consensus-based recommendations regarding communications, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management system issues, and functions as a Federal Advisory Committee to the Federal Aviation Administration (U.S.).
Promotes and develops aerospace material specifications for additive manufacturing.
Develops and promotes standards for engineering professionals in various industries.
Promotes the introduction of technologies on board airplanes to enable passengers to seamlessly use their connected devices.
Promotes the development of open software standards to innovate processes and practices, and accelerate Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) adoption.