Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)
10/07/2015Develops and maintains specifications designed to enhance mobile communications industry interoperability and collects related market requirements.
Develops and maintains specifications designed to enhance mobile communications industry interoperability and collects related market requirements.
Promoted advanced mobile platforms *Dissolved and transitioned its activities to GSM Association in 2012
Developed broadcast industry specifications and standards for mobile TV *Merged with the National Association of Broadcasters in 2013
Promotes and develops a governance structure around open-source mobility tools.
Promotes the development of an open-source protocol for the uniform identification of music rights holders and creators.
Promotes and develops NAND Flash integration into consumer electronic products.
Develops and promotes the adoption of interoperability specifications for network video in the security market.
Promotes and develops Software-Defined Networking (SDN) through open standards development.
Promoted broader choice and competitive equipment and service costs for WiMAX technology, devices and applications *Dissolved in 2012
Develops and promotes a standard for business-to-business payments for the travel industry.