4/27/2016Promotes the ODPi Core reference specification for the big data ecosystem.
Promotes the ODPi Core reference specification for the big data ecosystem.
Develops and maintains an open protocol for sharing any URL with any service on the web.
Develops the APB-1, an on-line analytical processing benchmark.
Develops and promotes certification for the Intelligent Transportation Industry.
Develops and promotes resources to help developers of Android applications.
Develops and promotes specifications to ensure the global functionality of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications systems.
Develops, markets and promotes LTE-based solutions utilizing the shared spectrum of the U.S. 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band
Promotes self-regulatory initiatives for individuals' privacy online and in electronic commerce
Promotes practices and technologies to enhance consumer trust in e-commerce, governmental and online financial services.
Promotes interoperability in automation.