North Amercian Security Products Organization (NASPO)
12/17/2014Develops standards and security protocols for providers of security documents, labels, cards, packaging, materials and technology.
Develops standards and security protocols for providers of security documents, labels, cards, packaging, materials and technology.
Develops and promotes uniform data standards for cancer registration
Develops and enforces reliability standards for the bulk power system in North America (North America).
Promotes public health and safety-related information and certification and develops food and water industry standards.
Maintains a scalable host controller interface to provide access to storage devices.
Promotes and develops Radio Access Network (RAN) specifications for mobile networks.
Promotes operating principles to support the development of an ethical Internet
Promotes the OAuth Protocol specifications to publish and interact with protected data.
Develops enterprise integration standards (including modeling standards such as UML and MDA) for a range of technologies and industries.
Developed open source middleware *Merged with Orientware in 2005 to form OW2 Consortium