Health Care Administrative Technology Association
11/09/2018Promotes the success of the administrative dimension of healthcare and practice management vendors that provide healthcare administrative solutions.
Promotes the success of the administrative dimension of healthcare and practice management vendors that provide healthcare administrative solutions.
Promotes electronic communications through the development of standards for information exchange among all health care trading partners.
Develops and promotes standards for interoperability in healthcare (U.S.).
Develops and promotes the adoption of health information systems and exchanges.
Develops healthcare standards.
Develops and promotes the HPD Open Standard related to individual building products and materials.
Promotes Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) technologies and uniform information sharing methods between OEMs and their supplier base.
Promotes use of healthcare information technology and management systems
Promotes the use of hospitality distribution technologies while influencing the development of current and emerging distribution channels for the open exchange of information for hospitality distribution.
Develops HSA-enabled platform and software solutions for the market.