Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC)
6/17/2015Promoted open-standard technologies in the financial services industry *Merged with Financial Services Roundtable in 2009
Promoted open-standard technologies in the financial services industry *Merged with Financial Services Roundtable in 2009
Develops and promotes open source software development and common standards for the financial services industry
Developed requirements for a communication system for future automotive applications *Dissolved in 2009
Promotes the growth of the electronic display and flexible, printed electronics supply chain.
Develops software standards for physical agents and agent-based systems
Promoted the implementation of Frame Relay standards *Merged with the MPLS Forum in 2003 to form the MPLS and Frame Relay Alliance
Supports and promotes the free software movement
Developed and promoted standards through the use of open source software *Merged with OSDL in 2007 to form The Linux Foundation
Develops and promotes a unified next-generation broadcast television system
Develops and promotes the implementation of G3-PLC in smart grid applications