Ethernet Alliance
6/17/2015Promotes the advancement of technology and products based on existing and emerging IEEE 802 Ethernet standards
Promotes the advancement of technology and products based on existing and emerging IEEE 802 Ethernet standards
Promotes the standardization and improvement of the interfaces for the transmission of Ethernet frames at 25 or 50 Gigabit per second (Merged with PDF Association 2021)
Promoted the Ethernet Standard *Inactive
Promotes an international product classification model for technical products
Develops policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification (Europe/Asia)
Promoted European aerospace industries (Europe) *Inactive
Supports life-science researchers in academia and industry
Promotes and represents the European broadcasting industry (Europe)
Developed and promoted the European banking and credit sector (Europe) *Dissolved in 2006 and transferred its functions to the European Payments Council (EPC)
Develops and promotes electro-technical standards for the European market (Europe).