EIS Alliance
1/01/2019Develops and promotes products and services in the areas of energy management systems and smart grid technologies
Develops and promotes products and services in the areas of energy management systems and smart grid technologies
Promotes research and development relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity for the benefit of the public
Develops and promotes a comprehensive national model for electric vehicle (EV) deployment
Promotes and develops standards for an open XML-based infrastructure for business purposes
Developed and maintained standards for electronic commerce for use in B2B and B2C arenas (Japan) *Dissolved in 2010
Promotes the Electronics Design Automation (EDA) Industry
Promotes protection of civil liberties in regards to digital technology use
Promotes improvement of the quality of patient care and the health care system (U.S.)
Promoted market and standards development and competitiveness in the U.S. high-tech industry (U.S.) *Dissolved in 2010 and transferred standards maintenance to the Electric Components Association (ECA)
Developed and promoted standards for secure electronic messaging *Merged with the Open Group in 2001