Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)
1/20/2016Develops and promotes the DDI specification and associated tools, education, and outreach programs
Develops and promotes the DDI specification and associated tools, education, and outreach programs
Develops electronic business interchange standards
Promotes and advocates for the publication of federal data online in consistent, machine-readable formats
Promoted the ease of movement between network services
Promotes and develop the ongoing and long-term growth of Data Distribution Service (DDS) standards
Maintains and promotes the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
Develops a common debit chip solution for debit payments (U.S.)
Develops open source specifications, protocols, formats and implementations for cross-chain rooting, indexing and resolution of decentralized identifiers, names and identity attestations.
Promotes and develops commercial automotive technologies in the defense industry
Promotes the development of smart grid technologies to better manage electricity usage