EURAS – The European Academy for Standardization
(Original Publish Date: 2000)
(Original Publish Date: 2000)
EURAS, the European Academy for Standardization e.V., was founded in Hamburg in 1993 by researchers from various academic fields, such as economics, engineering, legal studies, and the information sciences. EURAS is a registered society under German civil law, and a non-profit organisation. The foundation of EURAS was prompted by a common desire to promote and achieve progress in the academic treatment of standardisation, involving the widest possible range of disciplines. EURAS is internationally oriented, and the emphasis placed on European co-operation does definitely not imply that we wish to exclude non-European countries. The society's objectives and activities can be classified into three main areas: the promotion of standardization research, the evaluation of the results in the interests of scientific education, and publication of these results.