Implementing the Content Interchange (COIN) Approach Through Use of Semantic Web Tools
Stuart Madnick, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management, and Mihai Lupu
(Original Publish Date: 3/1/2008)
(Original Publish Date: 3/1/2008)
The COntext INterchange (COIN) strategy is an approach to solving the problem of interoperability of semantically heterogeneous data sources through context mediation. The existing implementation of COIN uses its own notation and syntax for representing ontologies. More recently, the OWL Web Ontology Language is becoming established as the W3C recommended ontology language. A bridge is needed between these two areas and an explanation on how each of the two approaches can learn from each other. We propose the use of the COIN strategy to solve context disparity and ontology interoperability problems in the emerging Semantic Web both at the ontology level and at the data level. In this work we showcase how the problems that arise from context-dependant representation of facts can be mitigated by Semantic Web techniques, as tools of the conceptual framework developed over 15 years of COIN research.