Standards and Reference Architectures: Their Purpose and Establishment
Michael Wilson, CLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, DIDCOT, OXON., OX1 0QX
(Original Publish Date: 5/1/1999)
(Original Publish Date: 5/1/1999)
The benefits or standardisation for interoperability and a description of the organisational structure and standardisation process of ISO is presented. The role of architecture and API standards at different stages in the technology life cycle are described. Examples of the development of open standards are taken from graphics, and the WWW to show the role of standardising different aspects of applications, as the application technology matures. The content of the architectural reference models adopted for computer graphics and intelligent multimedia presentation systems are outlined to show the components expected in any reference model for natural language processing, and the constraints they place on such a reference model to maintain compatibility.